Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Magento : Get and Resize Category Images

Override following file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Category.php and define following method

public function getCategoryImage(Mage_Catalog_Model_Category $category, $width = 250, $height = 250, $quality = 100)
    // return when no image exists
    if (!$category->getImage()) {
        return false;
    // return when the original image doesn't exist
    $imagePath = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'catalog' . DS . 'category'
               . DS . $category->getImage();
    if (!file_exists($imagePath)) {
        return false;
    // resize the image if needed
    $rszImagePath = Mage::getBaseDir('media') . DS . 'catalog' . DS . 'category'
                  . DS . 'cache' . DS . $width . 'x' . $height . DS
                  . $category->getImage();
    if (!file_exists($rszImagePath)) {
        $imageObj = new Varien_Image($imagePath);
$imageObj->constrainOnly ( true );
$imageObj->keepAspectRatio ( true );
$imageObj->keepFrame ( false );
$imageObj->quality ( $quality );
$imageObj->resize($width, $height);
    // return the image URL
    return Mage::getBaseUrl('media') . '/catalog/category/cache/' . $width . 'x'
         . $height . '/' . $category->getImage();

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Magento : Get thumbnail in navigation

First create your custom module the follow as
1. Override following file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Block/Navigation.php
and a function
public function getThumbnailUrl($category)
  return Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($category->getId())->getThumbnailUrl();

2. Then override following file app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Category.php
and add a function
public function getThumbnailUrl()
  $url = false;
  if ($image = $this->getThumbnail()) {
      $url = Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'catalog/category/'.$image;
  return $url;

Magento: Improved one page checkout design using CSS

/*  CSS */
.block-progress .block-title { background:none; margin:0 0 34px; padding:0; }
.checkout-onepage-index .col-main { padding:0; border:0; }
.checkout-onepage-index .page-title { padding-right:40px; width:auto; }
.checkout-onepage-index .page-title h1 { background:none; padding:0; }

.opc { position:relative; overflow:hidden; height:970px; padding-top:20px; text-align:center; border:1px solid #BBAFA0; background:#F9F3E3; }
.opc .buttons-set { margin:15px 0 0; opacity:1!important; }
.opc .buttons-set p.required { margin:0; padding:0 0 10px; }
.opc .buttons-set .back-link { display:none; }
.opc .buttons-set .please-wait { position:absolute; z-index:99; top:30%; left:50%; margin:-80px 0 0 -146px; border:5px solid #f3b66f; font-size:12px; background:#fff; padding:30px; white-space:nowrap; border:1px solid #c0c0c0; -moz-border-radius:6px; -webkit-border-radius:6px; border-radius:6px; -moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 50px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); box-shadow:0 0 50px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); }
.opc .buttons-set a { color:#214D90; }
.opc .ul { list-style:disc outside; padding-left:18px; }
.opc li.section { display:inline; }
.opc .step-title,.opc .allow .step-title { border:1px solid #F9F3E3; height:69px }
.opc .step { padding:30px 20px; position:absolute; border:0; top:110px; left:0; z-index:1; background:#FBFAF6; width:605px; height:900px; border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc; border:none; width:643px; text-align:left; border-top:1px solid #BBAFA0; }
.opc .step-title .number,.opc .allow .step-title .number,.opc .active .step-title .number { float:none; display:block; margin:0 auto; margin-bottom:10px; }
.opc .step-title { position:relative; float:left; text-align:center; padding:15px 11px 0; margin-left:-1px; background:none; }
.opc .step-title a { display:none; }
.opc .step-title .number { background:#ccc; color:#fff; width:30px; height:30px; line-height:30px; -moz-border-radius:20px; -webkit-border-radius:20px; border-radius:20px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:0; border:0; }
.opc .step-title h2 { font-size:12px; color:#bbb; clear:both; }
.opc .allow .step-title { cursor:pointer; background:none; }
.opc .allow .step-title .number { background:#000; color:#fff; }
.opc .allow .step-title h2 { color:#000; }
.opc .active .step-title { color:#ef0606; cursor:default; border:1px solid #BBAFA0; border-bottom:1px solid #FBFAF6; z-index:2; background:#FBFAF6 url(../images/bkg_checkout.gif) 0 0 repeat-x; }
.opc .active .step-title .number { background:#F18200; border-color:#fff; color:#fff; }
.opc .active .step-title h2 { color:#F18200; }
.opc .step-title h2,.opc .allow .step-title h2,.opc .active .step-title h2 { width:100%; text-align:center; }
.opc .step-title { width:16%; }
.opc .form-list .field,.opc .form-list .wide { }
.opc .form-list li fieldset { margin-bottom:40px; }
.opc .form-list label { float:left; width:220px; text-align:right; padding:4px 0 0; }
.opc .form-list label.required em { float:none; position:relative; right:4px; }
.opc .form-list li.fields { margin:0; }
.opc .form-list div.fields { width:100%; overflow:hidden; margin:0 0 8px; }
.opc .form-list .wide,.opc .form-list li.fields .field { width:645px; margin:0 0 8px; }
.opc .form-list li.wide .input-box,.opc .form-list .input-box { clear:none; float:right; margin-right:140px; width:260px; }
.opc .form-list li.wide select { width:390px; }
.opc .form-list li.wide input.input-text { width:254px; }
.opc .form-list .control input { margin:8px 0 0 25px; }
.opc .form-list li.control label { float:left; }
.opc form .form-list li.wide { margin-bottom:8px; }
.opc form .address-select { margin:8px 0 40px; }

.opc:first-of-type .step{-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;}
.opc:first-of-type .step[style*='display:none;'],
.opc:first-of-type .step[style*='display: none;']{display:block !important;}
.opc:first-of-type .section .step{left: 100%;}
.opc:first-of-type .allow .step{left: -100%;}
.opc:first-of-type .active .step{left:0;}
.opc:first-of-type li:last-child .step-title a{width:50%}
.opc:first-of-type li:first-child .step-title a{width:50%;left:50%}

#opc-login p.required { display:none; }
#opc-login h3 { margin-bottom:18px; }
#opc-login .col-2 { float:left; }
#opc-login .col-2 form fieldset h4 { display:none; }
#opc-login .col-2 { display:block; width:300px; }
#opc-login .col-2 fieldset { width:300px; }
#opc-login .col-2 .input-box { width:188px; margin:0; float:left; }
#opc-login .col-2 .input-text { width:182px; }
#opc-login .col-2 .form-list label { text-align:left; }
#opc-login .col-2 .form-list label { width:110px; }
#opc-login .form-list li.control label { float:none; }
#opc-login .form-list li.control input { margin:0 8px 0 0; }
#opc-login .col-1 { float:right; }
#opc-login .col-1 { width:290px; }
#opc-login .col-1 h4,#opc-login .col-1 .ul { display:none; }
#checkout-step-review.step { width:645px; }

#opc-review .step { padding:30px 20px; border-top:1px solid #BBAFA0; }
#opc-review .product-name { font-weight:bold; color:#0a263c; }
#opc-review .item-options { margin:5px 0 0; }
#opc-review .buttons-set { padding:20px 0; border:0; }
#opc-review .buttons-set p { margin:0; line-height:40px; }
#opc-review .buttons-set .please-wait { height:40px; line-height:40px; }
#opc-shipping_method .buttons-set { border-top:1px solid #E4E4E4; }

.block-progress .block-title { background:none; margin:0 0 34px; padding:0; }
.checkout-onepage-index .col-main { padding:0; border:0; }
.checkout-onepage-index .page-title { padding-right:40px; width:auto; }
.checkout-onepage-index .page-title h1 { background:none; padding:0; }

.opc { position:relative; overflow:hidden; height:970px; padding-top:20px; text-align:center; border:1px solid #BBAFA0; background:#F9F3E3; }
.opc .buttons-set { margin:15px 0 0; opacity:1!important; }
.opc .buttons-set p.required { margin:0; padding:0 0 10px; }
.opc .buttons-set .back-link { display:none; }
.opc .buttons-set .please-wait { position:absolute; z-index:99; top:30%; left:50%; margin:-80px 0 0 -146px; border:5px solid #f3b66f; font-size:12px; background:#fff; padding:30px; white-space:nowrap; border:1px solid #c0c0c0; -moz-border-radius:6px; -webkit-border-radius:6px; border-radius:6px; -moz-box-shadow:1px 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 50px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); box-shadow:0 0 50px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); }
.opc .buttons-set a { color:#214D90; }
.opc .ul { list-style:disc outside; padding-left:18px; }
.opc li.section { display:inline; }
.opc .step-title,.opc .allow .step-title { border-color:#FBFAF6; }
.opc .step { padding:30px 20px; position:absolute; border:0; top:100px; left:0; z-index:1; background:#fff; width:605px; height:900px; border-bottom:1px dotted #ccc; border:none; background:none; width:643px; text-align:left; background:#FBFAF6 url(../images/bkg_checkout.gif) 0 0 repeat-x; border-top:1px solid #BBAFA0; }
.opc .step-title .number,.opc .allow .step-title .number,.opc .active .step-title .number { float:none; display:block; margin:0 auto; margin-bottom:10px; }
.opc .step-title a { display:none; }
.opc .step-title .number { background:#fff; color:#ccc; width:30px; height:30px; line-height:30px; -moz-border-radius:20px; -webkit-border-radius:20px; border-radius:20px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:0; border:0; position:relative; z-index:1; }
.opc .step-title h2 { font-size:12px; color:#bbb; clear:both; margin-bottom:10px; }
.opc .allow .step-title .number { background:#000; border-color:#fff; color:#fff; }
.opc .allow .step-title h2 { color:#000; }
.opc .active .step-title .number { background:#F18200; border-color:#fff; color:#fff; }
.opc .active .step-title h2 { color:#F18200; }
.opc .step-title,.opc .allow .step-title,.opc .active .step-title { position:relative; text-align:center; border:none; background:none; padding:0; overflow:hidden!important; height:80px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:top; }
.opc .step-title,.opc .allow .step-title,.opc .active .step-title { *display:block; *float:left; }
.opc .step-title h2,.opc .allow .step-title h2,.opc .active .step-title h2 { width:100%; text-align:center; }
.opc .step-title { width:16%; }
.opc .form-list .field,.opc .form-list .wide { }
.opc .form-list li fieldset { margin-bottom:40px; }
.opc .form-list label { float:left; width:220px; text-align:right; padding:4px 0 0; }
.opc .form-list label.required em { float:none; position:relative; right:4px; }
.opc .form-list li.fields { margin:0; }
.opc .form-list div.fields { width:100%; overflow:hidden; margin:0 0 8px; }
.opc .form-list .wide,.opc .form-list li.fields .field { width:645px; margin:0 0 8px; }
.opc .form-list li.wide .input-box,.opc .form-list .input-box { clear:none; float:right; margin-right:140px; width:260px; }
.opc .form-list li.wide select { width:390px; }
.opc .form-list li.wide input.input-text { width:254px; }
.opc .form-list .control input { margin:8px 0 0 25px; }
.opc .form-list li.control label { float:left; }
.opc form .form-list li.wide { margin-bottom:8px; }
.opc form .address-select { margin:8px 0 40px; }

.opc:first-of-type .step{-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-moz-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-o-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;-webkit-transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;transition: all 0.5s ease-in-out;}
.opc:first-of-type .step[style*='display:none;'],
.opc:first-of-type .step[style*='display: none;']{display:block !important;}
.opc:first-of-type .section .step{left: 100%;}
.opc:first-of-type .allow .step{left: -100%;}
.opc:first-of-type .active .step{left:0;}
.opc:first-of-type li:last-child .step-title a{width:50%}
.opc:first-of-type li:first-child .step-title a{width:50%;left:50%}
.opc:first-of-type .step-title a { display:block;height:1px;border-bottom:1px dashed #ccc; width:100%; text-indent:-3000px; position: absolute;top:15px;z-index: 0}
.opc:first-of-type .allow .step-title a {}

#opc-login p.required { display:none; }
#opc-login h3 { margin-bottom:18px; }
#opc-login .col-2 { float:left; }
#opc-login .col-2 form fieldset h4 { display:none; }
#opc-login .col-2 { display:block; width:300px; }
#opc-login .col-2 fieldset { width:300px; }
#opc-login .col-2 .input-box { width:188px; margin:0; float:left; }
#opc-login .col-2 .input-text { width:182px; }
#opc-login .col-2 .form-list label { text-align:left; }
#opc-login .col-2 .form-list label { width:110px; }
#opc-login .form-list li.control label { float:none; }
#opc-login .form-list li.control input { margin:0 8px 0 0; }
#opc-login .col-1 { float:right; }
#opc-login .col-1 { width:290px; }
#opc-login .col-1 h4,#opc-login .col-1 .ul { display:none; }

#checkout-step-review.step { width:645px; }
#opc-review .step { padding:30px 20px; border-top:1px solid #BBAFA0; }
#opc-review .product-name { font-weight:bold; color:#0a263c; }
#opc-review .item-options { margin:5px 0 0; }
#opc-review .buttons-set { padding:20px 0; border:0; }
#opc-review .buttons-set p { margin:0; line-height:40px; }
#opc-review .buttons-set .please-wait { height:40px; line-height:40px; }
#opc-shipping_method .buttons-set { border-top:1px solid #E4E4E4; }

Monday, January 20, 2014

Facebook Fan Box

$fb_page_url= Mage::getStoreConfig('setting/fbfanbox/fb_page_url');
$box_content .='<iframe src="'. urlencode($fb_page_url);
$box_content .= '&amp;width='. $box_width;
$box_content .= '&amp;height='. $box_height;

$box_content .= '&amp;connections='. $connection;

$box_content .= '&amp;header=true';

$box_content .= '&amp;stream=true';
$box_content .= '" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; ';

$box_content .= ' width:'. $box_width . 'px; ';
$box_content .= ' height:'. $box_height. 'px; ';
$box_content .= '"></iframe>';
<div id='fbfanbox'>
<?php echo($box_content); ?>

Friday, January 10, 2014

Magento: Use ajax filter in magento catalog

There are two things need to do
1.Convert all request into ajax request using following script

function filter(){
    jQuery('.toolbar a').each(function(index){
            filterAjax(jQuery( this ).attr('href'));          
            console.log( index + ": " + jQuery( this ).text() ); return false;
    jQuery('.toolbar select').each(function(index){
            filterAjax(jQuery( this ).val());
            console.log( index + ": " + jQuery( this ).text() ); return false;
    jQuery('.block-layered-nav a').each(function(index){
            filterAjax(jQuery( this ).attr('href'));
            console.log( index + ": " + jQuery( this ).text() ); return false;
function filterAjax(s_url){
            type: "GET",
            //data : {is_ajax:1},
            url: s_url,
            success: function(data) {

2. Then convert output into JSON using following script

$layout = Mage::getSingleton('core/layout');
if (!$layout)
if (!Mage::app()->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest())
Mage::app()->getFrontController()->getResponse()->setHeader('content-type', 'application/json');

$page = $layout->getBlock('product_list');
if (!$page)
foreach ($layout->getAllBlocks() as $child){              
if (!in_array($child->getNameInLayout(), array('catalog.leftnav'))){
$block = $child;
if (!$block)
$container = $layout->createBlock('core/template', 'sparx_container');
//$container->setData('js', $layout->createBlock('core/template', 'ajaxfilter_js')->setTemplate('ajaxfilter/js.phtml')->toHtml());
$container->setData('block', $block->toHtml());
$container->setData('page', $page->toHtml());
$layout->addOutputBlock('sparx_container', 'toJson');

Here we have to use event observer concept.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Magento : How to add Indexes in a custom module

Follow these steps:





Class Module_Model_CmsIndexer extends Mage_Index_Model_Indexer_Abstract

public function getName(){
                return 'Add CMS Cache';

public function getDescription(){
return 'Rebuild Cache Index for all CMS Pages';

protected function _processEvent(Mage_Index_Model_Event $event){
// process

public function reindexAll(){
//Your Function to be executed